Function T F identity always empty nthArg of __ curry curryN uncurryN compose composeK composeP pipe pipeP pipeK partial partialRight lift liftN apply unapply bind invoker call wrap flip tap nAry binary unary comparator addIndex juxt ap useWith converge applySpec once tryCatch construct constructN memoize Object clone assoc assocPath dissoc dissocPath pick pickAll pickBy merge mergeWith mergeWithKey over set omit has hasIn where whereEq eqProps keys keysIn prop propOr props lens lensIndex lensPath lensProp path pathOr view project evolve toPairs toPairsIn objOf values valuesIn invert invertObj mapObjIndexed List all any none adjust length append insert insertAll prepend find findIndex findLast findLastIndex fromPairs groupWith intersperse map mapAccum mapAccumRight scan reduce reduceRight reduceBy reduced transduce forEach head tail init last nth slice filter reject partition splitAt splitEvery splitWhen aperture mergeAll pair range remove reverse sort take takeLast takeLastWhile takeWhile drop dropLast dropLastWhile dropWhile dropRepeats dropRepeatsWith times transpose unfold uniqWith update xprod zip zipObj zipWith flatten into lastIndexOf pluck repeat chain groupBy indexBy indexOf sequence traverse unnest contains without join concat uniq uniqBy allUniq String match test replace trim split toLower toUpper toString Relation equals eqBy identical pathEq propEq gt gte lt lte max maxBy min minBy clamp union unionWith difference differenceWith intersection intersectionWith symmetricDifference symmetricDifferenceWith sortBy countBy Logic and not or allPass anyPass pathSatisfies propSatisfies isEmpty defaultTo either both complement ifElse cond when unless until Type is isArrayLike isNil type propIs Math add inc sum subtract dec multiply product negate divide mathMod modulo mean median